About the Journal

Journal title : Journal Of Nursing Practice
Initials : JNP
Frequency : 2 issues per year (April and October)
DOI : Prefix 10.30994
Print ISSN : 2614-3488
Online ISSN : 2614-3496
Editor-in-chief : Fajar Rinawati
Publisher : Universitas STRADA Indonesia in collaboration with PDPTN


Journal Of Nursing Practice is an international open access journal (e-journal) which publishes the scientific works for nurse practitioners and researchers. The focus and scopes of the journal include Pediatric Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Adult Nursing, Emergency Nursing, Community Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Management in Nursing, Basic of Nursing and Education in Nursing.
The JNP Editorial team welcome and invite researchers from around the world to submit their papers (original research article, systematic review, and case study) for publication in this journal. Submitted papers must be written in English for initial review stage by editors and further review process by minimum two reviewers.

Finally, accepted and published papers will be freely accessed in this website and the following abstracting & indexing databases:

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OAI Address

Journal Of Nursing Practice has OAI address : https://thejnp.org/index.php/jnp/oai

Before submission
You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the JNP paper TEMPLATE, has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the Author guidelines.   

Online Submissions 

Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025): January
					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025): January
Published: 2025-01-31


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