Effects Of Sunlight Exposure For Treatment of Tuberculosis : Literature Review


  • Liza Novitasari Wijaya Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta




Tuberculosis, Vitamin D, Sunlight


Background: Tuberculosis is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis which can attack various organs, especially the lungs. It is necessary to study the effectiveness of sunlight therapy and the vitamin D diet as supporting tuberculosis treatment.
Objective: This study aimed at investigating the literature for of provision of sunlight in tuberculosis patients.
Method: This library review uses a database with the electronic search on Ebsco, ClinicalKey, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect published in 2016 - 2019.
Results: Six articles were used to review. The article discusses vitamin D deficiency as a causative factor for tuberculosis, the effectiveness of clinical treatment in a sanatorium using vitamin D and the use of sunlight as a treatment for tuberculosis in the days before the discovery of antibiotics.
Conclusion: Sun exposure has been shown to provide a clinical improvement in patients by providing comfort and improving moods that are unable to increase the elimination of bacteria in the lungs.
Conclusion: This therapy provides clinical improvement to the patient and provides a calm sensation and improves mood even though it has not been able to eliminate the bacteria in the lungs until anti-TB drugs are found and this sunlight therapy is forgotten.


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How to Cite

Wijaya, L. N., & Makiyah, S. N. N. (2020). Effects Of Sunlight Exposure For Treatment of Tuberculosis : Literature Review. Journal Of Nursing Practice, 3(2), 123–131. https://doi.org/10.30994/jnp.v3i2.78


