The Impact of Reward Satisfaction on Nurses' Career Development in the Inpatient Ward of Gambiran Hospital Kediri


  • Alfian Fawzi Department of Nursing, Universitas STRADA Indonesia, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Faisal Rahman Department of Nursing, Universitas STRADA Indonesia, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Aprin Rusmawati Department of Nursing, Universitas STRADA Indonesia, Kediri, Indonesia



career path, satisfaction reward, self-efficacy


Background: Career self-efficacy is a person's perception of their ability to choose and develop optimally in a particular field of work. Reward such as bonuses, promotions, or recognition of achievements, aims to provide incentives to employees to work better to achieve success in their careers.

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the association between reward satisfaction and the career self-efficacy of nurses working in the inpatient ward at Gambiran  Hospital, Kediri City.

Methods: A quantitative associative research design was applied using proportionate stratified sampling. A total of 82 respondents participated in the study. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using ordinal regression.

Results: Ordinal regression analysis revealed a significant relationship between reward satisfaction and nurses' self-efficacy in advancing their career paths, with a p-value of 0.029 (p < 0.05). Reward satisfaction accounted for 45.8% of the variation in self-efficacy.

Conclusion: Reward satisfaction significantly influences nurses' self-efficacy in advancing their career paths. These findings can serve as a reference for hospitals to enhance human resource management strategies.


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How to Cite

Alfian Fawzi, Faisal Rahman, & Aprin Rusmawati. (2025). The Impact of Reward Satisfaction on Nurses’ Career Development in the Inpatient Ward of Gambiran Hospital Kediri. Journal Of Nursing Practice, 8(2), 358–371.


